Christoph Holz - Book keynote speaker with exciting keynote speeches
As a keynote speaker, Christoph Holz explains the complex digital world in an incomparable and humorous way.
His exciting thought experiments show the larger context and the very personal impact on each individual.
The computer scientist and aerospace engineer knows what he is talking about.
Would you like to gain deeper insights into the fascinating world of ChatGPT and Generative AI?
My keynote speeches are tailored to your specific requirements and offer you a comprehensive and accessible presentation
of the most important developments and trends in the field of Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, OpenAI and digitalization.
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The first AI traffic light in Germany is in Hamm and I was a LIVE guest on ServusTV "Guten Abend Deutschland"!
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Digital Sensemaker - Keynote Speaker
Like hardly anyone else, Christoph Holz translates digital knowledge into logical future scenarios and surprising consequences.
The graduate formatter knows how to inspire with his keynotes with linguistic wit, impressive images and extraordinary examples.
He combines technology, society and business into a meaningful whole.

Keynote Speaker
With his thought experiments, Christoph Holz explains the complex digital world in an incomparable and humorous way.

Angel investor
The computer scientist and aerospace engineer knows what he is talking about. He is a start-up founder, Silicon Valley entrepreneur and business angel.

TV Expert
His TV appearances have taken Christoph Holz from CNBC, Deutsche Welle, Hamburg1 to ORF, N-TV, SAT.1, Welt/N24.

In his podcast "Digital Sensemaker", Christoph Holz discusses the sense and nonsense behind digitalisation with a guest every week.
Digitisation EXPERTS
His work as a keynote speaker has taken Christoph Holz from CeBit to TEDx to Google in California.
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