Dinner Talk: Ethical applications for Botox

I thought on this occasion I would get rid of my forehead wrinkles. Unlike aesthetic applications, the ethical applications unfortunately only concern headaches and urological problems. I still have my wrinkles, but it was the most exciting performance of my career.

InterExpert 2023 - A meeting 10 indications

The location was a brewery (BRLO Brwhouse) in Berlin, my stage was a cage in which I stand together with the audience. The cage reduced the risk of escape. Half of the audience listened from a balcony. I would like to thank the neurologists, urologists and pain physicians for the concentrated attention they gave me for 40 minutes, which is not easy when you have a beer in your hand, but it was a thoroughly successful evening. It was a dinner talk of a very special kind.

AbbVie Medical Institute brought together experts from different fields at this nationwide meeting, enabling an interdisciplinary exchange - around botulinum toxin type A, which is used in 10 neurological and urological indications.

"InterExpert 10 Indications - 1 Meeting". Here you will have the opportunity to listen to interesting & interdisciplinary lectures, work on indication-specific topics in workshops or practice injection techniques on models.

This also means live injections on stage, workshops & lectures as well as practicing injection techniques to best combine theory and practice at an event.

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