

Emergency assignment for Christoph Holz: Out of the shower directly into the train and 5h later I was able to inspire on the topic "How does the new world of work help against the shortage of skilled workers" on the stage of the 20th Backnanger WirtschaftsgesprÀche. A good keynote speaker is quite like ChatGPT, he knows something about everything ;)

When I took the stage, I was greeted by an enthusiastic audience made up of experts, industry pioneers and curious minds. The atmosphere was tense, but also full of anticipation, as participants were eager to learn about new ideas and gain valuable insights.

I thought on this occasion I would get rid of my forehead wrinkles. Unlike aesthetic applications, the ethical applications unfortunately only concern headaches and urological problems. I still have my wrinkles, but it was the most exciting performance of my career.

The fact that computer games are based on their own economy has been on my mind for a long time. Giving a conference talk about it at the world's biggest games fair, which even attracted the attention of the TV channel n-tv, was particularly exciting.

Because one can hardly accuse Western reporting on China of being unbiased, I wanted to see the situation for myself. I was particularly interested in quantum technology, artificial intelligence and surveillance.

Due to the pandemic, the German IT Leaders' Congress took place mainly online this year. That's why I didn't give my talk in front of 2,000 participants, but only 15. Nevertheless, I prefer a small audience on site than a purely online conference.

The fact that the Israeli security conference was moved to Dubai is not only a historical event. For me, it was the perfect opportunity to get to know the IT hotspot Dubai better.

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