Networked, connected & flexible

Interview with digitalization expert Christoph Holz At the invitation of the Catholic Family Association, digitalization expert Christoph Holz comes to Salzburg. In an interview with Rupertusblatt, he provides insights into the impact of digitalization on our lives.

Social networks: past and present
Holz emphasizes that people have always lived in social networks - in the past as hunter-gatherers, today digitally. Despite concerns, digitalization allows us to stay in contact with people we would otherwise lose sight of. The way we communicate has changed, but personal encounters remain essential.

Flexibility instead of commitment
Digitalization is also changing the way we deal with commitment: instead of long-term planning, short-term coordination dominates - similar to early times in human history.

Relationships and conflicts
More and more partnerships are being formed online, which, according to Holz, is helping to reduce the divorce rate. At the same time, the digital world is influencing our ability to deal with conflict: algorithms only show us content that matches our views, which encourages social divisions.

Work in the digital age
Although digitalization has been advancing for 30 years, there is still enough work to go around. AI could take over routine tasks and give us more room for creativity and interpersonal communication. Traditional permanent employment is a model of the past - the future belongs to flexible forms of work and entrepreneurship.

An optimistic view of the future
Holz sees a future in which dangerous and monotonous tasks are automated, while people focus on innovation and learning. Economic growth and prosperity would benefit everyone. His conclusion: "It's too late for pessimism anyway."

Read the entire article here

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