Top 10 Speaker in Manager Magazine

In 2020, it was a special honour for me to be listed among the top 10 speakers in Manager Magazin with such renowned colleagues as Ulrike Winzer, Rainer Petek, Markus Hofmann or Katrin Seifarth.

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Keynote Speaker
On the trail of digitalization at the addSUCCESS IT event in Carinthia

Technology meets practiceMore than 200 IT enthusiasts gathered at the addSUCCESS IT event in Klagenfurt to shed light on the latest trends in digital transformation. Organized by addIT, a subsidiary of Atos, the conference offered in-depth insights into topics such as blockchain, artificial intelligence and IoT. Experts from addIT, Atos and partner companies such as Check Point, Cisco and SAP provided practical answers to key digitalization questions.

Media / Publications
Networked, connected & flexible

Interview with digitalization expert Christoph Holz At the invitation of the Catholic Family Association, digitalization expert Christoph Holz comes to Salzburg. In an interview with Rupertusblatt, he provides insights into the impact of digitalization on our lives.

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