Finally, computer scientists are sexy!
For a long time, we were considered nerds, but now we are suddenly at the center of innovation. I call this the "Kränkung 4.0" - the moment when traditional engineering loses importance and software takes over. This is particularly evident in the automotive industry: the focus is no longer on engines and bodies, but on code. Tesla is leading the way, and Germany is struggling to keep up.

My path began with a degree in computer science and aerospace engineering, led to a job at BMW and the founding of one of Europe's first internet agencies. I have witnessed how digitalization is unfolding - and how it is misunderstood by many. Today, I stand on stages as a keynote speaker and talk about how technology is changing our world.
But what does this actually mean for us as a society? Is digitalization really the great good news or rather the beginning of the end? Is it to blame for Trump, Brexit and the increasing confusion caused by fake news? The simple answer would be to demonize technology. But the truth is: technology doesn't bully, it doesn't lie - people do.
In an interview with the St. Johanner Zeitung, I had the opportunity to talk about exactly that: About my unusual path from computer scientist to speaker, my "on/off" relationship with God and why information is perhaps even more fundamental than matter.
Fancy more? You can read the whole article here - and I promise it's worth it!