Book contribution: Digitalization is decentralization. An essay on the beginnings of a digital society without centralized control

If you're an author who wants to get your theses out there before your own book is finally finished, like me, you'll be happy to take the opportunity to be on board as a co-author of this super anthology.

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We are at the dawn of a new age - an age in which digitalization and decentralization are fundamentally changing society. In the book "Raum neu denken - von der Digitalisierung zu Dezentralisierung", authors Peter Bußjäger, Georg Keuschnigg and Christoph Schramek shed light on this fascinating development and take a look at the future.

The journey begins with the origins of digitalization and the emergence of the internet during the Cold War. The book shows how this technology, originally developed to withstand a nuclear first strike, transformed our world into a networked and decentralized system. This new reality turns the traditional concept of centralization on its head and opens up unimagined possibilities.

Social media, the authors argue, have not only changed communication, but also the way we interact as a society. Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have divided the public space into smaller, specialized groups, leading to new forms of community and even a kind of post-nation state.

The book dives deep into the question of how decentralization influences the economy and society. It sheds light on how modern technologies such as 3D printing, open source and blockchain are making companies more agile and competitive. These techniques enable decentralized decision-making and offer innovative solutions to long-standing problems such as corruption and lack of transparency.

A particularly exciting part of the book is the vision of eGovernment and fully automated administrations. The authors show how artificial intelligence and digital technologies could revolutionize bureaucracy and make it more efficient. This could be particularly beneficial for countries with administrative systems that are currently being developed.

Rethinking Space - from Digitalization to Decentralization is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of society. It offers not only an in-depth analysis of current developments, but also inspiring perspectives for a decentralized world. Let yourself be inspired by these revolutionary thoughts and experience how this transformation is changing our world!

Curious? Immerse yourself in this fascinating book and discover the opportunities that digitalization and decentralization hold for our society.

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