Sworn and court-certified expert witness
Expert witness card - Higher Regional Court (Innsbruck): Motivation as a court expert to gain insight into legal disputes. To be at the forefront not only of technical development, but also of legal development.

Expert ID - Higher Regional Court (Innsbruck)
Question: Why do old pictures make you look like an RAF mugshot? I obviously didn't have a beard before, I only got it with the midlife crisis ;)
Motivation to gain insight into legal disputes as a court expert. To be at the forefront not only of technical development, but also of legal development. This also entails a great responsibility, because the judge is usually not familiar with the subject matter.
Usually, a judge will try to avoid having his verdict overturned. Therefore, he will tend to follow the recommendation of the expert in foreign subject matter, who then has to answer for an erroneous judgment. It is important to me to formulate my expert opinions so clearly that they can become the basis for an unambiguous decision. Therefore, I have resisted the temptation to prepare an ambiguous expert opinion only to keep my personal liability as an expert low.
In the USA, algorithmic recommendation systems based on artificial intelligence are already being used by judges for custody reviews. Although they are superficially only recommendations, I suspect from my experience that judges will not have much motivation to overturn the algorithmic suggestions.
Algorithmic Detention Review was introduced in California to mitigate racism in bail setting. But because nothing is more conservative than an artificial intelligence, this data is based on past decisions and, for the time being, may very well lead to discrimination. It will take time for the decisions to become truly fair. It is possible to remove racial traces from the data. Try that sometime with a veteran judge.
Expert for:
Information technology: software engineering, programming
Specialization: E-commerce and Internet
Certified until 31.12.2024
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